Monday, November 8, 2010

Days 21 & 22

Okay, I'm starting to get bad about updating, and I'm sorry. So, I'm going to try and finish this challenge on a high note and update every night!

So, yesterday was kind of a lazy day, which was definitely needed. I went shopping with my parents and helped my mom pick out Christmas presents for my aunts (which they are going to love!), and then I went and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening with the boyfriend. I felt really bad because I didn't get anything done for my shop, and I really need to get on the ball. But I'm trying not to be too hard on myself for taking a much needed off day.

However, I also took an off day from exercising (making it 2 rest days in a row), and I could definitely tell a difference. I was a lot more irritable both yesterday and today until I exercised. After my workout tonight, I was pretty relaxed and no longer stressing out.

Today started off good but then got a little more stressful. I helped my dad with some more vacation planning this morning (I really should be a vacation planner--I love it, and I'm pretty good at it). Then, I had to go to class. My first class was good, but the second one was ugh. I had a group presentation to do, and I don't think it went all that well. But at least it's over with. I then had errands to run, and by the time I got home, I was ready to just eat and just not do anything else. But I did exercise, and it was a pretty good workout. I did have to skip one exercise because I just couldn't do it. The routines are definitely getting more challenging, which is good. They're teaching me just how strong I really am, and I'm excited about the results I'm seeing!

Tomorrow is internship day--but internship is almost over! After tomorrow, I will only have 3 more days left this semester. I start interning full-time in January. It's crazy to think that I'm thisclose to being a college graduate. But I'm so excited!! :)

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