Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's A New Year!

So I know I dropped off the radar after my 30 day challenge. I got really busy with school and the holidays and vacation. I also stopped my exercising after those 30 days, and that was a mistake. I ended up gaining the weight back, and I started feeling horrible again.
But it's a new year. And this year, I am determined to lose the weight. I graduate in May, and I'm hopefully going to start a new internship in the fall. And I want to be ready for those thing. This will be a life changing year for me, and I am determined for it to be the best year so far. And that means I need to get healthy.

I started getting back into exercising last week. I got up at 5am Monday-Friday to do a 5-minute running workout I created using EA Sports Active for the Wii. I know that 5 minutes doesn't sound like much, but it woke me up and got my blood going. It definitely helped me focus on the day. I would also exercise every night. And I was feeling really good.

However, Atlanta got hit by a snow/ice storm this week, which means that I've been stuck in the house. I've eaten more than usual, and I haven't exercised like I should have. I did get back to exercising tonight, and I was really proud of myself. I worked out for about 45 minutes and burned 254.4 calories. That's going to be my goal for every day--to burn at least 250 calories a day.

I'm going to be posting in the blog with my updates on the weight loss adventure. I noticed that when I was doing the 30 day challenge, I would not make excuses for not exercising because I knew I had to be accountable and update my blog. So that's what I'm going to do this time. No more excuses. This will become the thing that keeps me on track this time.

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